A Family Adopts A ‘Hearty Dog’ Who Survived His Entire Life Before Facing Slavery

The ‘icorn dog’ who endured a harsh life and was scheduled to be adopted is adopted by his loving family and becomes the sweetest dog of all time

Strawberry, a 2-year-old pitbull with the nickname “icorn dog,” was finally found into a loving home in Soυth Pasadena after being caught from shelter to shelter and almost being euthanized, in part due to a blow to the head.

The dog seemed to have gone through difficult times when she was rescued by the La Belle Foundation in Los Áпgeles

“This young dog has been through some tough times and is back,” the rescue organization said publicly on social media. “He has horrible scratches on his swollen face and sticky eyes, but he has two huge giants in his small head.”

Previously, Shelters had thought that the lump in the head was scary and he wanted to sacrifice it. But tests showed that it was scar tissue from an old wound and that it could be life-threatening.

When Strawberry was completely recovered and ready to be adopted, the Kυhlmaп family in Soυth Pasadeпa saw her on the line and “could not resist.”

“Something spoke to me about her,” said Kristeп Kυhlmaп, the family matriarch. “She couldn’t find home for quite some time. We wait and weigh it. And we kept seeing it on the website”

The family, who had just recovered from the pain of losing their 15-year-old dog, decided to bring Strawberry home and shower her with love and affection.

“She’s nice to get close to,” said Claire Köhlmaп, Kristeп’s twin daughter, as she laughed. “She will lie on top of you. She is big and tall.”

“It’s cute. It has many syllables, that’s why we sometimes call it ‘Strawbs,’” explained Jeff Kυhlmaп, the patriarch. “We found the strap that had strawberries on it. “Everything seemed to work.”

The kids told him that the first things he does after getting home from school is to play find Strawberry and get his new dog.

Strawberry, the pet dog, also has some admirers in the neighborhood, as the pup is quite recognizable for his distinctive head height, according to the family.

“People would roll down their windows and say, ‘Hello, strawberry,’” Kristeп Kυhlmaп explained. “I want most people.”