Reborn With Love: The Inspiring Story Of The Malnourished Dog Rescued From The Abyss

Anyone who has ever visited the beautiful island of Bali will know that, as stunning as it is, they have a stray dog ​​problem and it is quite common to come across stray dogs while walking around cities and towns.

And boy, what a second chance it was. After carefully nursing the husky back to health, with grooming, visits to his pet, and lots of good food, Rico shared the results of his beloved new pet’s transformation. It’s just amazing! Now strong and healthy with a thick, lustrous coat and those same fiery blue eyes, the husky clearly adores Rico and can’t keep his paws off his savior

However, despite his condition, his bright blue eyes still shone brightly.

And Rico knew he had to give the abandoned puppy a second chance.