Battle For Life: The Heartbreaking Story Of A Lonely Girl, Almost Overwhelmed By An Avalanche Of Ants In A Barren Field

There were many bugs on her feet; hundreds of thousands of ants were devouring her. She couldn’t get up and walk; she cried in anguish. Despite lying on the sidewalk, no one acknowledged her existence.

“We couldn’t understand why humans were so cold to such a sad dog. I quickly removed the ants from Phoenix and fed her a bit, but she didn’t take a single bite. I left Phoenix in the car and went straight to the hospital,” said the savior.

The doctors examined her quickly and told her she might have a pelvic fracture and a malignant disease. She suffered extremely low temperatures, acute malnutrition, and anemia. Phoenix underwent two tests, and fortunately, all results were negative.

Initially, doctors used medications to control body temperature along with a saline infusion. Over time, they resorted to the permanent approach of using blankets and heating. However, it seemed that Phoenix had nerve damage that made her unable to regulate her behavior, and she frequently convulsed.

After 2 months in the hospital, this was the first time the nurse could bathe her. The entire medical team was trying to help Phoenix overcome this difficult time.

“We were very happy with Phoenix because she was doing very well, and she had no intention of giving up on her life.”

Three months after being rescued, let’s see how Phoenix has evolved. She was perfectly healthy, chubby, and beautiful. In particular, she is having a wonderful life that many other dogs have dreamed of.